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Weekly Top 5 GMAT MBA Articles

August 31, 2012

Too many articles and not enough time? Top 5 GMAT / MBA articles this week, hand-picked by the team here at 30 Day GMAT Success, and delivered directly to your inbox.

As more and more companies conduct business internationally, the ability to communicate effectively and with sensitivity across cultural boundaries is crucial. Earlier this week, Hispanic Business revealed its annual ranking of the top business schools, based on the effectiveness of these programs in attracting Hispanic students.
[via stacyblackman.com]

2When to Take the GMAT
Remember that your GMAT score is valid for five years, and it’s pretty hard to take the GMAT too soon. But when should you actually take the GMAT? It’s important to have a good strategy for when you want to take the GMAT to get into a program of your choice.
[via veritasprep.com]

3The Benefits Of Knowing Yourself**
** In preparing for your GMAT you should know your topic strengths and weaknesses as well as other aspects of your personality and approach that will impact your GMAT experience. These four questions should help you determine your “test-taking personality” and give you an insight into how you should approach the GMAT.
[via manhattangmat.com]

4The A-G of Choosing a B-School**
** So how do you determine what’s the best b-school for you? Academics and faculty of course are important factors but what about Direction and Career Services? This guide will help you pinpoint those important elements.
[via accepted.com]

5Monday Morning Essay Tip: Choose More Active Verbs**
** Are you selling yourself short by using passive language? “As a result of obtaining my MBA, I will be able to….” or “As a result of earning my MBA, I will be able to….”. Let’s look at your essay again.
[via mbaadmission.com]

