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Weekly Top 5 GMAT MBA Articles

August 25, 2012

Too many articles and not enough time? Top 5 GMAT / MBA articles this week, hand-picked by the team here at 30 Day GMAT Success, and delivered directly to your inbox.

1If Dark Knight were to Rise above the GMAT: How would the Dark Knight use the experience of RISING from the Pit in taking the GMAT?
Here is a somewhat thought provoking take on the GMAT and its comparison to the difficulties faced by Batman in climbing out of “the pit” in the blockbuster movie The Dark Knight Rises. How does the methods taken by Batman mirror the methods and efforts by this GMAT taker?
[via The Rise of the Phoenix… My GMAT & MBA Odyssey!!]

2At UM Ross, Leadership Lessons Scale New Heights
This article takes a look at The UM Ross School of Business and their new executive education. In an attempt to stay on the cutting edge of management education the students participate in leadership lessons via a trek up Mt. Kilimanjaro.
[via stacyblackman.com]

3Tough GMAT Probability Questions**
** Tackling some of the tougher GMAT probability questions efficiently relies on both steady practice and your ability to make decisions, but with the clock ticking away, figuring out the total number of possibilities can be time-consuming and fraught with room for error. Essentially it all boils down to a toss of a coin.
[via kaplangmat.com]

4How to get a perfect 800 GMAT score**
** If candidate #1 can get the perfect 800 GMAT score, why can’t you? After analyzing candidates who achieved the Perfect 800m here are a few pointers that came up more frequently for the high GMAT scorers.
[via MBAcrystalball.com]

5Goals Essay-Writing Tip**
** Short-term, intermediate, and long-term goals. Have yours worked out before you start drafting your Goals Essay. Cindy Tokumitsu talks you through the benefits and how to accomplish this somewhat mammoth task.
[via accepted.com]

