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Top 5 GMAT MBA Articles

Week of Nov 11, 2011

Too many articles and not enough time? Top 5 GMAT / MBA articles this week, hand-picked by the team here at 30 Day GMAT Success, and delivered directly to your inbox.

1. Three Ways to Look at a Sentence Correction Question
When dealing with a sentence correction question, consider the elements of grammar, meaning, and style to pick the right answer.

2. Admissions Tip: Interviewing the Interviewer
Asking the interviewer some questions about the program provides you a chance to gain additional insights and project your enthusiasm about the program.

3. Mission Admission: Handling “Tough” Interviews
Learn how to overcome stoic interviewers, philosophical questions, and persistent questioning.

4. Quarter Wit, Quarter Wisdom: Circular Arrangement Constraints
Learn how to deal with tricky circular arrangement problems through detailed examples.

5. MBA Admissions: What is Fit?
An admissions consultant comments on the issue of “fit”, or the alignment between a candidate and a school.

