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Top 5 GMAT MBA Articles

Week of Jan 06, 2012

Too many articles and not enough time? Top 5 GMAT / MBA articles this week, hand-picked by the team here at 30 Day GMAT Success, and delivered directly to your inbox.

1. 5 Things You Need to Check Before Submitting That App Before you submit your application, check the document for careless mistakes that could make an unfavourable impression on the reader.

2. What If You Wrote MBA Admissions Essays Not To Turn Them In? (And Then You Did) If you are working on your admissions essay and having trouble getting the tone right, then here’s a tip that might help you: first write your essay as if you were writing it only for yourself; then go through it and gracefully add persuasive points until it is ready for submission.

3. 4 Interview Insights for Acing the MBA Interview To make a good impression during your MBA interview, be engaging, thoughtful, brief, and polite.

4. GMAT Timing — Arithmetic Shortcuts Here are some math tricks and strategies that might help you save time as you attempt the quantitative section of the GMAT.

5. Admissions Tip: Essay Writing Makes a Difference As you polish your admissions essay, see that you are being professional, using active voice and emphasizing action, and not being repetitive.

