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Top 5 GMAT MBA Articles

Week of Dec 02, 2011

Too many articles and not enough time? Top 5 GMAT / MBA articles this week, hand-picked by the team here at 30 Day GMAT Success, and delivered directly to your inbox.

1. MBA Interview Tip: When Talking about Your College…
Find out why you should try to avoid the negative when speaking about your college experience during admission interviews.

2. Three Things You Need To Consider Before You Choose an MBA Degree for You
While deciding which MBA program suits you, consider whether you want to go for a specialization; keep in mind whether you plan to work locally or abroad; and take into account the level of interactivity you want to engage in.

3. Sentence Correction: Sentence Correction: Don’t Be Redundant
Check for redundancies and illogical meanings while going through sentence correction questions.

4. Monday Morning Essay Tip: Test Your Essay for Connectivity
A narrative that constantly moves forward and is easy to follow is more likely to hold the reader’s attention. Focus on the connectivity of your essay to make it more impressive.

5. Jitters Over New GMAT
Educators and admissions officers weigh in on the new “integrated reasoning” section of the GMAT that will be a part of the exam from June.

