1 minute read

Denys, Ukraine. Graduate from Harvard Business School.

International student Denys from the Ukraine talks about his experience at HBS as an international student.

“I chose to go to HBS primarily to explore life abroad. I also felt that, while I had the technical knowledge to do my job, I did not necessarily have enough management skills.

There are no MBA programs in Ukraine or nearby that can compare with HBS by quality of education and career and networking opportunities.The main issue I had to deal with in the application process was showing that my untraditional background (non-consultant, non-banker, Ukrainian) would not make me less capable student vis-a-vis other more traditional applicants. I had a bit of an advantage, since my background made it easier to distinguish myself from the rest of the crowd.

The pre-MBA program for international students was a blast! It gave us a head start in case method and teaching in America. I hung out mostlywith international students. It was easier to make friends wit them, since we were in the same boat as internationals and because many students saw clear networking value in establishing connections with people in the region you intend to work in.

Advice No1 is get outside of your comfort zone and get to know people who are different from you – culturally, language-wise, professionally, etc. While it can be frustrating at first, you’ll soon get used to it and the benefits will be huge. You’ll make connections and friends you never hoped for.”

